Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Do you think any animals will ever reach human intelligence?
by EndofMysteries inif all life was truly random, then what happened that allowed humans to it's current intelligent state, do you think non humans could and will reach that in the future?
Coded Logic
If you test the IQ of a Chimp at the level of a 4 year old human then they'll score 70 or 80. But if you test them at the level of an adult human they only score about 40. -
Do you think any animals will ever reach human intelligence?
by EndofMysteries inif all life was truly random, then what happened that allowed humans to it's current intelligent state, do you think non humans could and will reach that in the future?
Coded Logic
If by "intelligence" you mean the general sense of the word (the ability to reason, problem solve, understand abstractions, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience) than I would say apes, certain types of cetacean, and certain types of octopods are really the names in the game.
But to get to "human level" I don't think cetaceans and octopods are likely to achieve this. As has already been pointed out, powerful brains require a lot of energy. And hominid intelligence really didn't take off until we started cooking our food (allowing us to extract more calories from our food) so we could power our big brains. I don't see a pathway to fire cetaceans or octopods unless they evolve to become land creatures.
Racial Insensitivity
by Coded Logic in"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Coded Logic
Saying, it's okay that more unarmed black people are shot than unarmed white people because "they could have been going for the officers gun" is NOT a meaningful rebuttal. Because just as there are some unarmed black people that go for an officers gun there are also some unarmed white people that go for the officers gun.
You don't just get to subtract some ad hoc hypothetical number from the number of unarmed black people who are shot without ALSO subtracting a comparable ad hoc hypothetical number for the unarmed white people who are shot by the police. And if we did this, we would STILL end up with a figure showing unarmed black people are six times more likely to be shot by the police than unarmed white people.
Simon's point that black people have more interactions with the police is TRUE (good job Simon!). But stating that they're having more interactions because of criminal activity is FALSE (can't win them all). Rather, black people have more interactions with police because of Implicit Bias.
As has been noted on this thread anecdotally, simply being a black man in a good neighborhood is enough for police to pull you over. I myself have also witnessed this first hand - and I live in a fairly liberal part of California. Last year I was pulled over seemingly without reason and, after giving my license and registration to the officer, I asked the officer for the reason of the stop. He said, and I'm quoting word for word here, "I noticed you had an African American juvenile sitting in the back seat."
I explained that it was my friends teenage son whom I was giving a ride home and I was completely shocked he would pull me over for that. He said, "Well it's pretty weird that he would be hanging out with you guys."
Crazy right? But this sort of thing isn't simply limited to anecdotal accounts. Implicit bias is a well studied phenomenon and clearly shows black people are far more likely to attract police attention than white people for identical behavior:
It's also been shown that a persons race statistically influences an officers decision to shoot:
But the Implicit Bias isn't just on cops either. We also know that us citizens are more likely to call the cops on black people than we are on white people. Simple Misfits noticed this after he locked his keys out of his car and called AAA a black tow truck driver came and tried open his car. Even though there was a big a tow truck there - the police still ended up getting called on driver. This experience prompted Simple Misfits to conduct a social experiment. While the video is kinda funny the results are pretty profound:
I conclude evolution is guided
by KateWild inyour qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
Coded Logic
Good old cut n' paste Perry. Too bad you didn't bother to check your quotes. The very first one you made - the one you highlighted - was never said by Dr. George Wald.
Here's what he ACTUALLY had to say on the topic:
That, however, is not the end of the matter. Our present concept of the origin of life leads to the position that, in a universe composed as ours is, life inevitably arises wherever conditions permit. We look upon life as part of the order of nature. It does not emerge immediately with the establishment of that order; long ages must pass before [page 100 | page 101] it appears. Yet given enough time, it is an inevitable consequence of that order. When speaking for myself, I do not tend to make sentences containing the word God; but what do those persons mean who make such sentences? They mean a great many different things; indeed I would be happy to know what they mean much better than I have yet been able to discover. I have asked as opportunity offered, and intend to go on asking. What I have learned is that many educated persons now tend to equate their concept of God with their concept of the order of nature. This is not a new idea; I think it is firmly grounded in the philosophy of Spinoza. When we as scientists say then that life originated inevitably as part of the order of our universe, we are using different words but do not necessary mean a different thing from what some others mean who say that God created life. It is not only in science that great ideas come to encompass their own negation. That is true in religion also; and man's concept of God changes as he changes.
-Dr. George Wald -
Racial Insensitivity
by Coded Logic in"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Coded Logic
Never a JW,
As I've explained a half dozen times on this forum, I'm talking about UNARMED people. Please look at the numbers relevant to the discussion.
Thank you
I'm glad to see you've moved from the position of "Coded is just making up statistics" to "it's okay more unarmed black people are shot because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time."
But before you go full retard on me again let's see if we can agree on some basics.
1.) Do you now accept that more unarmed black people are shot by police than unarmed white people?
2.) Do you think it's okay for people, white AND black, to be shot by police when they're unarmed?
Racial Insensitivity
by Coded Logic in"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Coded Logic
If you actually had the stats and the facts to back up your position then you would present them. You don't. You present misleading numbers that have nothing to do with the issue other than being a grand total of the number of black people and then resort the accusations of racism and insanity.
-SimonIf by "stats and facts" do you mean a comprehensive database of news reports and public records that's been compiled into a chart that can be broken down by State, Age, Race, Weapon, etc.? Do you mean something like this:
By all means feel free to look at the figures yourself. Scrutinize the evidence. And if you think I've misrepresented the stats in anyway let me know.
Racial Insensitivity
by Coded Logic in"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Coded Logic
"Imagine" being the key word.
Once again - A new study has been published by Harvard University’s Rolando G. Fryer Jr. that shows there is no evidence that blacks are more likely than whites to be shot by the copsNot sure why but it seems like people have lost their basic ability to read on this forum all of a sudden. This really isn't that hard. Let's try this one more time though, UNARMED black people are more likely to be shot by police. UNARMED! NOT "black people are more likely to be shot by the police". Not, "White people with knives and guns are less likely to get shot as black people".
Can you see the crucial problem here?
Why does that matter? Because by and large - COPS SHOULDN'T BE SHOOTING UNARMED PEOPLE!
In regards to the paper cited, the only thing it says about unarmed persons is, "black civilians are 21.1 percent more likely to have force used against them compared to white civilians with the same reported compliance behavior."
I don't care what what the crime rate is for black people - and you know why? - because I'm talking about people who are UNARMED being shot!
I don't care if they have a tail light out - and you know why? - because I'm talking about people who are UNARMED being shot!
And I don't care about what color shoes they wear or which Jefferson they prefer or any other non-relevant statistic you're going to pull up to try and distract from the issue - and you know why? - because I'm talking about people who are unarmed being shot!!!
Racial Insensitivity
by Coded Logic in"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Coded Logic
There are numerous examples of people becoming very 'agitated' if someone uses the expression "ALL lives matter".
-SimonThere seems to be a fundamental lack of empathy on your part here Simon. Take a moment and put yourself in their shoes. Imagine that there is a very real chance you could be shot by the police without provocation. Imagine saying, "I don't deserve to get shot." And then I say back to you, "Everyone doesn't deserve to get shot." And I proceed to do NOTHING to address or change your predicament. Would that agitate you?
So whatever list of cases you want to copy and paste is really irrelevant - would it be negated if we posted a list of white people shot?
I'm more than a bit surprised you're asking me this as I specifically referenced this exact point in the comment your responding to. But no worries, it is again: African American's only represent 12% of the US population compared to whites who make up over 61% of the US population. Yet, when we look at the numbers of unarmed people shot by the police, 32 of them were white and 38 of them were black. This means that an unarmed black person is 6 times more likely to be shot by the police than unarmed white person is.Why do you include them in the numbers? To pad things out?
No, I include them because I have to compare apples to apples. If you have some methodology via which we can identify and remove those numbers from the total for both black AND white persons I'd be interested to see those numbers. But in the mean time, we have to go with the information we have.The Dallas shooter will now be included in "black man killed by cops" no doubt . . .
(face palm) These number are only "unarmed" individuals who were shot by the police. . . a perfect example of why looking at a raw total isn't enough to draw meaningful conclusions . . .
Not for those of us who actually know how to read Simon. I swear, normally you're a pretty level headed guy. I don't know why you completely lose your ability/desire to comprehend peoples arguments whenever the issues of racial disparity are raised. Take a breather buddy. It's going to be okay. -
Racial Insensitivity
by Coded Logic in"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Coded Logic
It would take cops 40 years to kill as many black men as have died at the hands of others black men in 2012 alone.
Is this the standard we're setting for our police officers? It's okay to kill unarmed people so long as you don't commit as many killings as criminals do? -
Racial Insensitivity
by Coded Logic in"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Coded Logic
ALL lives matter.
"All lives" can't matter until black lives matter. That was the whole point of my OP. We respect the lives of police officers. We go to great efforts to keep them safe and make sure they have the tools they need to do their jobs. And when they fall we honor them.
We have gone to great efforts to reduce the number of police deaths in this country. And we've been successful in doing so. When a cop dies the media doesn't say things like "well he was probably a criminal" and they don't go dragging out every little misstep they've ever had in their life.
Conversely, walking down the street while black shouldn't be a hazardous job. And they shouldn't have to be in fear of those who we have charged with their protection.
Imagine that you're sitting down to dinner with your family, and while everyone else gets a serving of the meal, you don't get any. So you say, "I should get my fair share." And as a direct response to this, your dad corrects you, saying, "Everyone should get their fair share." Now, that's a wonderful sentiment — Indeed, everyone should, and that was kinda your point in the first place: that you should be a part of everyone, and you should get your fair share also. However, dad's smart-ass comment just dismissed you and didn't solve the problem that you still haven't gotten any!